You love her. You can’t live without her. It will turn your life upside down she goes. But the wife says she’s gotta go. “Ok mister! Stop your crying. I need a mommy soccer van and you’re getting a truck! Now come look at this website I found that buys cars whether they’re running or not.” Whoa… that’s a harsh way to lose your baby, but Car Buyer USA will hold your hand through it all. We buy cars and treat them right. She’ll be in good hands, we promise.
We’ve all seen it in the movies and even know someone who’s been through the separation anxiety of baby and daddy. And as Ron found out, the day had come his 13-year old Porsche 911 Carrera S had to get “booted to the curb”. A new kid was hitting town, and junior needed room for all his accessories. Baby just couldn’t cut it anymore.
Sometimes “that dreaded day” just can’t be avoided. Sooner or later junior will come along and you’ll have no choice but to sell your car, your first baby. But no worries, at Car Buyer USA we buy used cars and place them in good homes. Trust us to sell your car and we’ll make your separation anxiety as painless as we can. And yes, Ron cried when baby rolled away on that flatbed. We’re sorry Ron. No hard feelings?