Linda was very picky about the boys she’d date in high school. They HAD to drive a 1967 or 1968 Camaro, no exceptions. Yes, this was shallow of her but she was driving a cool car every boy in school wanted to take for a spin, ok daily spins. No, this is not about Car Buyers USA getting ahold of this one, though we would probably jump at it. We buy cars people want to sell and as much as we’d like a sweet car like this, it’s not for sale. Her dad, Frank sold us his 2010 Ford Mustang GT Premium to restore Baby; a 1959 hardtop 3-speed Corvette.
Linda and her dad had spent a lot of hours in the garage talking about how they would restore Baby this time and what they’d do next. They could just never seem to find the time. Linda started thinking how her dad was getting up in his golden years, and knew she’d never get over it if she didn’t jump on a project so important to her dad. The thing about this too, is it was important to her to repeat the day she fell in love with this classic. The day that she was sure she must be his favorite daughter now!
“Hang a right, throw it in 2nd gear, step on it and put air between that rubber and the road!” Yep, the front tires left the road. What a thrill for a 14 year old tomboy.
It wasn’t long before Linda talked her dad into selling one of his cars to Car Buyer USA and using the cash to restore his ‘59 Vette. She’d already did a little research and found our site where you can sell your car online and sell your car fast! She promised her dad she could have the Mustang sold by the end of the week, and since he trusted her judgement he gave the green light. Sure enough, she was able to keep her promise and now they’re probably hard at work getting ready to take Baby for that ride.